Wednesday, January 9, 2008

New Website Validates the Science of REISHI

Everyone is talking about, a new 3rd party website validating incredible health benefits of Reishi and the history behind this amazing herb. As you know, all of ReishiGo's products are "Reishi Based" wellness products and the product line is soon expanding.

VIDEOS! This new website is overflowing with information on Reishi including the a throughly VIDEO LIBRARY on topics such as: The Legends of the Mysterious Herb Reishi, How Reishi (Lingzhi) Grows in the Wild, Reishi (Lingzhi) Research, and Healing Benefits of Reishi (Lingzhi). Click here to see the videos now.

It's clear why Reishi is commonly referred as the "World's most powerful herb!"

Visit today and learn for yourself!

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